This Rodeo was started and continues to strive to provide Texas families a way to watch their loved ones compete in events that parallel the lineman’s job duties so the families get a glimpse of what a lineman’s career is all about. With technology and all of the new tools and equipment that make the job a little less physically strenuous, the job of a lineman is continuing to evolve. However, some things remain the same — when Mother Nature vents her fury at our cities, towns, or rural farms and ranches, the Texas linemen must answer the call and brave the elements to restore power and bring peace of mind back to those we serve. Linemen do not have the luxury of sitting in an office or house, or waiting in a truck for the storms to pass. We have to leave birthday parties, anniversary celebrations, and holiday gatherings to answer our “Call of Duty.” The American Lineman has the guts, grit, and determination of the old American Cowboy and will do whatever it takes safely to get the power flowing again for those who are in the dark. This is a career that is finally getting some recognition for the service we provide to the world. Think about when the power goes out: the world seems to stop. People in general do not know or cannot remember how to handle life without electricity. Fortunately for the world, God created Linemen to power the comforts that we all take for granted. Linemen are true American heroes. From the Texas Lineman’s Rodeo Association, thank you for all you do and thank you to the spouses, children, families, and co-workers who support you.