It is our mission to keep linemen safe through quality work and excellent customer service.

Titan is a full service dielectric testing company. We provide a full service test lab while focusing on our on-site testing services. We also offer tool repair, equipment sales, and we are introducing our new safety and training program. We stand out above the rest by keeping the safety of linemen as our highest priority. Unlike competing companies involved in other industries, Titan is solely utility based and linemen driven. We are an industry leader in safety and innovation, and we strive to be #1 in customer service. As a test company, we do not want to just be there for you when it’s time for testing. We want to be part of your team and help with compliance whether it be monthly safety visits, crew inspections, complimentary rubber goods and live tool care classes. Or just a quick visits to say hello. Titan will be there for all your testing and safety needs.
Linemen are our livelihood. With industry leading testing services to ensure their safety and protection, we offer a one stop shop for all your safety needs.
Customer Service
If you experience any issues with our products or services, contact us for immediate attention. As a service company, our reputation and (growth) solely depend on our customers’ opinion of us and willingness to recommend us to their peers.
Lineman safety is my top priority. It’s my goal and my vision to be an innovative test company with uncompromising integrity and service in keeping linemen safe. I believe all our customers will agree that at Titan, our customer service and commitment to safety are incomparable.
–Brett Morrison, President/CEO

Titan Utility Services supports the Fallen Linemen Organization and encourages everyone who is willing to please donate to this great cause in helping the families of fallen or injured linemen.